Saturday, April 13, 2013

Winner Announced! | Rhode Island Portrait Photographer

Are You Curious?!

Ok, so the giveaway has ended, and a winner has been chosen!

The winner of the Mega Dream Giveaway is.....



I'm hoping that this photo I posted on my page earlier as a clue...

...makes a lot more sense now! :) 

Congratulations Whitney Olson!  I hope that everything makes it's way to a loving home, and you enjoy all of it! 
To everyone else that entered, I wish you all could have won!  I hope to do more giveaways in the future, with even more winners selected!  So keep your heads up and eyes peeled, the next giveaway could be right around the corner! :) 

Best wishes to the winner from Sali Stout PhotographyMorgan Burks Photography, and myself

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This site was made with love by Angie Makes