Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Mega Dream Giveaway! | Rhode Island Portrait Photographer

It's Mega, It's a Dream... It's a Giveaway!!!
(and that was corny)

Are you new to newbies?  Just walking into the world of photographing tiny little wonders and realizing.... ohhh snap! These babes come with a whole lot of 'accessories'!  Yeah- I feel ya.  Starting up in newborn photography is silly crazy!  The amount of props and gear one needs to acquire is sort of ridiculous...annddd expensive!   And then.... just watch, you will become obsessed over newbie props... you will want more, and new.. all. the. time.  It's an addiction. I swear it. 

SO what would you do if I said you could WIN a start up collection of OVER 80 NEWBORN PROPS AND ACCESSORIES??!! All the props, posing fabric, headbands, hats, baskets, buckets (ok you get the idea) that myself and Sali Stout Photography started out with are all being 
given away!

You heard me right... we were going to have a collaborative de-stash sale.... but then we decided... oh hell why not! Let's give it away to a starting photographer! Because I sure wish that could have happened to me! lol  You can of course enter this giveaway if you aren't starting out... I won't rat on you :P

Then, I told my friend Morgan of Morgan Burks Photography - photoshop actions, textures and overlays about our idea... and she said, well Katie- I'll contribute a gift card to my shop if you want??


So now- this giveaway includes over 80 (well over 80) props, fabrics and accessories valuing over $850... but ALSO a $25 gift card to Morgan's shop! 



To get more entries, Share this to your Facebook page (business preferably)

There are still a few days left to enter, and you can get extra entries daily for sharing about this giveaway!

Good luck to all of you!  


  1. Such a generous giveaway! Thank you!

  2. What an AhhhhhhhWESOME Giveaway!! This is exactly what I could use at this time. I 100% agree that newborn props are an addiction. I find myself spending hours on the computer looking at props that I can't afford. I just started up my photography business a little less than a year ago and have recently found my love for newborn photography. Like you mentioned, it can be expensive... so I have very few props, a few blankets and wraps but that is it. I would love to win all of these amazing props to give my newborn clients a variety to choose from. Thank you for putting this amazing contest together and giving me the opportunity to boost up my newborn prop stash!
    elah photography

  3. Aweeeeesome giveaway!!!! Way to add to someone stash! Thank you!

  4. I'm super hopeful! What a great giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity!

  5. So excited!!! Thanks for the giveaway! Love the backdrops!

  6. Generous Giveway! Fingers crossed i.win!!!! eeeeek!!! :D

  7. Thank you for the opportunity! So awesome!!!

  8. Thanks for a chance to win this amazing giveaway!


This site was made with love by Angie Makes