Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Baby Allison | and my Favorite baby Roll to Date

Clearly, it's Katie fashion to be anywhere from 3mo to forever late on blog posts....

I'm working on it. I swear.

This little lady, simply NEEDS blogging.
She came to me, Gosh, three, four months ago now? Again... that blogging thing; mental note being taken now to keep up with it!

Anyyhow!  She is the sweet, and beautiful daughter of two of my fellow LSAers!  And she has the best baby roll ever.

 Hehe, I love it. Ermagerd I was in newbie heaven.  Huge bebe cheeks, pouty pouty lips, AND a baby roll? Yes, perfect.

She was also really great with posing, and rocked froggy pose like a little seasoned pro! 

Hi there adorable little piggies peakin out!

MORE BABY ROLLS!!!  And.... the. hair.  Let's talk about the hair for a second.  It was a fluff with a perfection all it's own.


more rolls!!! Lurve.  

I love this one, shows her perfectly fluffed hair, those pouty lips, little piggies peaking out and, of course, my favorite bebe roll to date!  
 Mama, Amanda... she likes butterflies, and purple.. incase you hadn't already sensed that purple theme!  Her little lady is already proving to me her mini me, becuase I'm pretty sure purple is her color.


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