Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Baby Seth | RI Newborn Photographer

Baby Seth

Seth's session with me was a couple months ago... again, this blogging thing needs to happen more often.  I swear once I am caught up it will become a regular thing!  Baby seth came to me weighing in at 11 lbs 11 oz... he was a big boy!

As you can probably guess, this made for some amazing baby rolls... which if you know me at all... you know I am obsessed with baby rolls!!

here some of my favorites from sweet Seth's session! 

Audrey | RI Newborn Photographer

Well, I may be catching up on blog posts.... but very. very. late.  It is my resolution to be better about these! This little lady, Audrey was a little newbie pro, and as such was my first canvas ordered for my Studio!  
How can you not blow this one up to enormous sizes...

She had the creamiest newborn skin I have ever seen, with perfectly blond little eyebrows and lashes, they were to die for!

Here are some of my favorites from her session! Enjoy..

Ariana | Newborn and 3mo | RI newborn photographer

Then and Now
(newborn and 3mo)

Sweet little Ariana came to me about 4 months ago now I want to say.  Here mama called me up hoping for some newborn photos, little Ariana was right around 3 weeks when we shot her photos... 

And she did amazing!!
Usually past 14 days can be quite a challenge with newborns, but she made a big fat ol liar out of me.  She was adorably sweet, what new baby isn't right?  But really, she had an extra something sweet about her.  It probably comes from her parents, both of which have been some of my favorite clients, so sad they had to move away! 
Feel free to come back to RI whenever, I'll be ready camera in hand!

This photo is in my top 10 newborn images 

Here is another favorite from her session..

I see baby rolls under that wrap!! And Lips with pout for days, love!

She was so perfectly, and contently sleeping in the bucket that I think I got 5 or so shots and coule have kept going if we wanted!

Now for some perspective on how late I am at blogging.....

Ariana came to me a little while back for her 3mo photos!!

And look at beautiful she still is!  Full of spunk, and personality for miles.

Just too much adorable for one photo to handle.

Well Ariana, I loved capturing your newborn photos, and your 3mo photos perhaps even more if that is possible!  I wish I could capture your 6mo and one year as well!  You will just have to ask mommy and daddy to make a trip back to RI for those!! ;)

Baby Allison | and my Favorite baby Roll to Date

Clearly, it's Katie fashion to be anywhere from 3mo to forever late on blog posts....

I'm working on it. I swear.

This little lady, simply NEEDS blogging.
She came to me, Gosh, three, four months ago now? Again... that blogging thing; mental note being taken now to keep up with it!

Anyyhow!  She is the sweet, and beautiful daughter of two of my fellow LSAers!  And she has the best baby roll ever.

 Hehe, I love it. Ermagerd I was in newbie heaven.  Huge bebe cheeks, pouty pouty lips, AND a baby roll? Yes, perfect.

She was also really great with posing, and rocked froggy pose like a little seasoned pro! 

Hi there adorable little piggies peakin out!

MORE BABY ROLLS!!!  And.... the. hair.  Let's talk about the hair for a second.  It was a fluff with a perfection all it's own.


more rolls!!! Lurve.  

I love this one, shows her perfectly fluffed hair, those pouty lips, little piggies peaking out and, of course, my favorite bebe roll to date!  
 Mama, Amanda... she likes butterflies, and purple.. incase you hadn't already sensed that purple theme!  Her little lady is already proving to me her mini me, becuase I'm pretty sure purple is her color.


I got it, I got it, I got it! ..... I don't got it. | Photobombs, bloopers, and outtakes

A (hopefully) regular installment

Sooooo.... whenever I follow photographers and I see them get a super bitchin pose, especially with a child, or better yet, a physically demanding pose, maybe seniors or high fashion- I'm all... 'no WAY!' 'BUT HOW?!' Then I'm all... 'I bet the frames right before and after that are GEMS!'  
I'm sorry, but is there anything funnier than someone not ready for the camera? 
there is not.
Mostly, of course I post the nailed it moments.

But the frames before and after you nail it... those, are pure gold.
These heavenly adorable little cherubs, are my nephews. They are actually really amazing for the camera, despite me being all auntirazzi with it; they are not jaded... thank god.
However I still get a ton of quality outtakes... and now, without further adieu, for your viewing pleasure: NAILED IT! nope.

This site was made with love by Angie Makes