Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Waiting on Sydney

Waiting On Sydney

Fall is the best season, followed close behind by winter.  Actually the two might be tied, either way they both rock my socks way off.
This year, fall and winter are by far even better.  My family is waiting on the sweetest of Christmas presents!  A brand new baby lady, Sydney Melissa, my soon to be niece.  I've been planning her newborn photos for about, oh, i don't know, 8 months or so.  Planning started not long after my sister first told me she was expecting.  And of course, with newborn photos, one must have some stellar maternity photos!  So, without further adieu, part one of my sister's maternity session; family maternity!

This clan LOVES fall, and with that, the Steelers... in fact the Steelers might be 90% of the reason they love the fall, so their wardrobe selections were chosen based off their fave teams colors, and their birth announcement, well you get the point.  

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Dear, Dad.

I'm in the process of revamping my business.  Soup to nuts.  A new website, new branding, better studio space, more studio space.... the works.  I'm elated.  Every aspect of my new look is very 'me' and I finally feel like my brand represents my art, and my personality.  None of this, however, could have been accomplished without the relentless support of my Father.  My biggest fan, and my number one supporter.  As I sit here, looking over all of the things he's helped make reality for me, I am reminded of ALL of the things he has made possible.  

We are not rich. 
 My parent's worked tirelessly for everything they had, and selflessly gave every penny to myself and my sister.  For that I am, and forever will be, eternally grateful.  Someday, after a lot of hard work of my own, I hope to repay them.  For now, I want to simply thank them, and let the world in on just how awesome they are. 

 My dad worked three jobs as I was growing up.  He threw papers from his van at 4am, so that I could be on the ice by 5am to live out my dream of being a figure skater - I was fairly convinced I would be in the Olympics one day, so maybe I should thank them for the abundance of confidence they gave me too.  This was all before they let 10 year olds get their license... so my mom woke up for every 5am practice, had breakfast ready, my dress laid out for me to slip on while I was still sleepy eyed, and my school clothes already hung in the car, so I could make my seamless transition from rink to school in a flash.   In a world full of privileged children, I never wanted for anything.  With all of those hours my dad put in at work, he made sure I had everything I needed, and more. 

More importantly to me, he never missed a single competition, game, exhibition or performance. 

 Between 75 hour+ work weeks, and keeping up with his three family apartment he rented out, he missed a total of ZERO competitions.  He was there, helping me stretch before I took the ice, watching me as I skated, and commending me as I came off, wether I stayed on my feet or not.  
I wanted to be a musician.  He found me the best teachers, and provided me with the instrument of my dreams, a Pearl flute.  I know now just how hard he had to work to get me that flute, and send me to those lessons.  I always appreciated them, but I wish I had known just how much I should appreciate them at the time.  Mom, of course was there, driving me to all of these lessons, and listening to me as I slowly learned how not to pierce eardrums.
I loved art.  My parents sent me to summer classes at RISD.  Without hesitation, if they felt it would better me, and I had the drive, a way was found, and I was there.
High school wasn't great for me.  The kids were mean, relentless really.  I'm strong, but even steel has it's breaking point.  When my parents saw that breaking point coming, two weeks into my junior year, I was called out of my science class.  My dad had set up an appointment with one of the best private high schools in the state, and by lunch... I was at a new school.  To this day I don't know how he made that happen, but he did.  I shook the director of admissions' hand, he said 'welcome to the academy', and with those four words, and the hard work of my father- my high school years were saved.  The school wasn't cheap, and paying for high school was not an expense my parents had planned on... but they did it without hesitation.  That may be the single act I am most grateful for, that day changed everything.  I could have done without them waiting for me outside school that day (thank god no one knew my name yet), waving me home like they did when I was 5... but it's ok.. I see now just how much that day meant to them too.
For these, and so many more things you've given me, and continue to give me.. thank you.
I know I didn't say it enough, and worse gave you grief you didn't deserve, for that I'm sorry and wish I could slap sense into me, circa 2005.
Thank you so so much for helping me with this business, I couldn't do it without you.  So, consider the following my retrospective thank you's for everything awesome you've done.. 
you da man, dad!  


Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Baby Seth | RI Newborn Photographer

Baby Seth

Seth's session with me was a couple months ago... again, this blogging thing needs to happen more often.  I swear once I am caught up it will become a regular thing!  Baby seth came to me weighing in at 11 lbs 11 oz... he was a big boy!

As you can probably guess, this made for some amazing baby rolls... which if you know me at all... you know I am obsessed with baby rolls!!

here some of my favorites from sweet Seth's session! 

Audrey | RI Newborn Photographer

Well, I may be catching up on blog posts.... but very. very. late.  It is my resolution to be better about these! This little lady, Audrey was a little newbie pro, and as such was my first canvas ordered for my Studio!  
How can you not blow this one up to enormous sizes...

She had the creamiest newborn skin I have ever seen, with perfectly blond little eyebrows and lashes, they were to die for!

Here are some of my favorites from her session! Enjoy..

Ariana | Newborn and 3mo | RI newborn photographer

Then and Now
(newborn and 3mo)

Sweet little Ariana came to me about 4 months ago now I want to say.  Here mama called me up hoping for some newborn photos, little Ariana was right around 3 weeks when we shot her photos... 

And she did amazing!!
Usually past 14 days can be quite a challenge with newborns, but she made a big fat ol liar out of me.  She was adorably sweet, what new baby isn't right?  But really, she had an extra something sweet about her.  It probably comes from her parents, both of which have been some of my favorite clients, so sad they had to move away! 
Feel free to come back to RI whenever, I'll be ready camera in hand!

This photo is in my top 10 newborn images 

Here is another favorite from her session..

I see baby rolls under that wrap!! And Lips with pout for days, love!

She was so perfectly, and contently sleeping in the bucket that I think I got 5 or so shots and coule have kept going if we wanted!

Now for some perspective on how late I am at blogging.....

Ariana came to me a little while back for her 3mo photos!!

And look at beautiful she still is!  Full of spunk, and personality for miles.

Just too much adorable for one photo to handle.

Well Ariana, I loved capturing your newborn photos, and your 3mo photos perhaps even more if that is possible!  I wish I could capture your 6mo and one year as well!  You will just have to ask mommy and daddy to make a trip back to RI for those!! ;)

This site was made with love by Angie Makes